On Monday, April 6th, we had our ultrasound of Baby G to determine the gender. The appointment went very well and baby is measuring around 12 ounces which is almost one pound. We had a small gender reveal later that evening with our parents and the pictures are below.
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joey and I are extremely excited and couldn't be any happier for the upcoming changes we are about to experience in the next months. We want a healthy baby and gender really did not matter one way or the other. I am extremely blessed to have another opportunity to carry a child and become a mother. I will always be a mother to my son Landon even though he is in heaven looking down on each of us.
As for names or a baby shower....Those are to be determined because we aren't quite sure on baby girl names and I need to be cleared to travel. I have already started a registry at Babies R Us, which has many wonderful things under my first and last name (Christina Giamportone). I would love to have a shower before the baby comes because I really do not have anything other than a crib, clothes, and a swing. However, I might have to do it after the baby is born if my health is at risk. We will have to play it out each week and see how I am progressing. If I have it before, it would probably be Sunday, June 28, 2015. I will let everyone know one way or the other.
I hope everyone enjoys this and I will have another post in about a week!!!
Enjoy your weekend! :)